How To Create A Paid Membership Forum

There are two options when it comes to creating a paid membership forum; free versus paid.  But as the adage goes, nothing is ever free in this world, and this is very true in the online world. 

WordPress - The Time Consuming "Free" Option

You can create a forum in WordPress using bbPress. The plugin is free and can create a functioning forum, but you'll need other paid plugins like PaidMembershipPro or ActiveMember360  to protect it and turn it into a paid membership forum. In fact you may need several plugins, and this leads to what I call The WordPress Plugin Problem - too many plugins making your website heavy and vulnerable to attacks.

The WordPress Plugin Problem

The more plugins you use on WordPress, the more it will affect your site speed. Unfortunately, WordPress membership plugins are notorious for attracting brute login attacks. Even if your website doesn't get hacked, it will still result in a slow page load speed due to the volume of traffic on the hosting server, and nobody likes a slow website.

Also, membership plugins often conflict with existing plugins resulting in you having to deactivate the incompatible plugins. This often results in you having to find alternative plugins or change the theme or design of your website.

Creating a paid membership forum on WordPress is ultimately not free. You will need to pay for other plugins to protect your forum and to receive payments, and you will pay in time and frustration.

If you are serious about creating a paid membership forum then go with a solution that will save you time.  It only makes sense, if you are wanting to create a paid forum, then you yourself should invest in a paid solution. And, the solution I use and recommend is KLEQ.

What is KLEQ?

KLEQ, previously known as 10XPRO, is an all-in-one online business solution for coaches, course creators and online marketers who wish to create video membership sites and online video courses. Unlike other membership software platforms, it comes with a built-in forum solution. It literally took me no more than 20 minutes to create my membership forum.


With 10XPRO you can create:

  • online courses
  • membership sites
  • a membership forum
  • social walls
  • a private coaching thread

membership software

How To Create A Paid Membership Forum Using KLEQ

 Step 1: Login to KLEQ and under Online Courses, select Forum. Name your forum, add a short description, and upload your forum and default header images. I made mine in Canva.

Forum software

Step 2: Add your categories.

membership forum software

Step 3: Under your categories add your sections

software fir membership forum

And you're done!

how to create a paid membership forum

You have you're forum!

membership forum software

Step 4: Add your first thread!

forums software for coaching

Presto! You have a live work forum.

coaching with a forum

Step 5: Create your sales page

10xpro payments

Step 6: Create a membership level for your forum, and you are done!

That's how easy it is to create a paid membership forum with KLEQ.
