In this video, Nick Kemp discusses the powerful shift that comes with cultivating awareness and learning to snap out of unhelpful, imagined scenarios. He reflects on those moments when fears—like financial worries or doubts about self-worth—feel overwhelming. But, by focusing on actionable steps, one action leads to another, building momentum and optimism.
Focus on what you can take action on
Nick: This really does resonate with me. Like everyone else, we all go through stress and fear and worry, and it can be so debilitating when you only focus on the fear and worry. And you have these imagined scenarios like, ‘Ah, I won't be able to pay the rent or pay the bills’, or ‘People will think I'm a fraud.’ And you have these bizarre scenarios.
And then you're right, if you can get that awareness, I love this, and then snap—kind of snap out of it and stop, like, what can I action? And if you start to action, one action leads to another, you get this momentum, and then you start to feel a bit better. And then you think I'll just focus on this now.
And then before you know it, you’re feeling a bit more optimistic, the stress has gone to some degree, and then things seem to change because you've taken this proactiveness. But it never stops, does it? A few months later, you'll be going through another struggle.
And you will have to have that awareness to snap out of it to eventually draw your attention to take action and accept what you can't change. But focus on what you can action. So I love the four A's. That's a great way to put it together. And awareness is crucial, I think.