Why Roles Matter: Connecting Values to a Sense of Purpose

In this insightful video, Nick Kemp explores how the roles we take on reflect our values and provide us with a profound sense of purpose. He shares his personal journey, from seeking success in traditional ways to finding deep meaning in his role as an ikigai coach and an ambassador for authentic ikigai.

Role as a fundamental element of ikigai

Nick: I often think our work gives us an opportunity to have a role. So you have a role as a researcher, and also you're an educator, so you present your research. I guess I have a role, I'm in some ways, perhaps like an ambassador for Japan, and I'm trying to share the authentic perception of ikigai. And I think title roles are our values. And they give us a sense of purpose.

I definitely feel that. I guess, in this role of researching and sharing what I've learned from interviews, like I'm having with you now, and I feel so grateful, but it's very life affirming. It makes me feel ‘wow, I'm so lucky.’

And I've never had a role, a professional role like this. In the past, I've always been trying to find something or make more money or have more success. And then when I started exploring ikigai, I just thought, well, I'll start a podcast, that would be the best thing. And then it evolved into this business.

And it is so meaningful for me, obviously, because I have a strong connection to Japan and having lived there, and my wife's Japanese and having many friends. So yeah, I think roles are missed, again, in that, the western Venn diagram, there's nothing about roles and relationships.

Shinichi: Yeah, that's right.
