Dr. Ariadne Ferro

I look to empower the neurodiverse and those raising neurodiverse children, particularly children with ADHD.



Parenting is hard, especially when you, your child, or both of you, experience neurodiversity, such as ADHD. The challenge is greater if there’s no easily accessible support system available. It can sometimes feel like too much to bear on your own.

As a fifth-generation migrant, my personal background inspired me to learn about how languages, cultures, and differences interact. Building a family with a third-generation migrant and raising neurodiverse, twice-exceptional, third-culture children, cemented in me the importance of identifying and meaningfully recalling one’s ikigai especially when confronted with challenges while disconnected from one’s support system and trusted resources.

As an Ikigai coach, I aim to accompany you as you tap into your highest and best self and your source of resilience through online ikigai workshops and online or one-to-one sessions in English, Spanish, or Brazilian Portuguese. These workshops and sessions are complemented by Personal Leadership and intercultural methodologies. My goal is to support and mentor any adult who is drawn to my profile, and I especially look to empower the neurodiverse and those raising neurodiverse children, particularly children with ADHD, by helping you tap into the foundations of ikigai.
