Do you feel drained and overwhelmed while working with digital advertising and grow your business online? Do you feel drained and overwhelmed because your hard work is not meeting challenging performance goals?
REGION: Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Integrating the Japanese Ikigai philosophy with growth marketing will help you grow sustainably by rediscovering your authenticity so you can build on your growth with confidence and feeling fulfilled.
This approach is aimed at creating meaningful connections with your audience and establishing relationships where you contribute with your talents and add impactful value to their lives.
In this fast-paced industry, it can easily feel like a rat race for digital marketers, business owners, and brands. With 17+ years experience in digital marketing and communication. I empower people and organisations towards personal and business growth.
As certified Ikigai coach with a leading experience in digital media, it is my mission to empower people and businesses to grow sustainably with joy, fulfillment, and meaningful connection.
The Ikigai philosophy helped me to find my authentic voice, embrace my strengths, and gave me direction to a newfound excitement and zest for life.
How amazing would it be if this can be established for a single person, teams and organisations? We can lift each other to grow by investing in our well-being and paying it forward to our community and society through contribution and feel Ikigaikan during the process.